Lion vs Tiger: Who Would Win In A Fight?
As we all know that lions are the beasts and kings of plains, and tigers rule the jungle. But in face-to-face battle who would wind a lion or a tiger?

Few factors that decide the strength of any animal are their weight, height, jaws, biting force, etc. Well, let’s talk size first. Tigers are heavier, weighing up to 800 pounds to the lion’s 550 pounds.
On the other hand, the lion may have more experience fighting because male lions need to beat their male lions in order to become head of the harem (pride), while tigers are solitary and they try to avoid a fight, though they will fight for territory and access to mates.
In the circuses of Ancient Rome, exotic beasts were commonly pitted against each other. The contest of the lion against the tiger was a classic pairing and the betting usually favored the tiger. At the end of the 19th century, the Gaekwad of Baroda arranged a fight between a lion and tiger before an audience of thousands. The Gaekwad favored the lion, and as a result, had to pay 37,000 rupees as the lion was mauled by the tiger. So from here only we could conclude that the chances of winning a tiger are more as compared to a lion.
So if there will be a fight between a lion and a tiger then I would like to bet on a tiger.
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